Safeguarding and dealing with domestic abuse
Safeguarding and dealing with domestic abuse
The aftereffects of the pandemic and the rising cost of living are having an impact on communities and more people need our safeguarding services.
Support for cases of domestic abuse and homelessness prevention, and those with complex family issues continues to be in high demand. We’re also supporting clients with mental health issues through our Bright Outcomes commissioned service by Bolton Council and our Delayed Transfer of Care (DTOC) Service commissioned by Greater Manchester Mental Health Trust.
Bright Outcomes supports people from temporary supported accommodation into their own homes, and those who are in their own tenancies but are at risk of losing the property due to mental health.
The DTOC service helps people facing challenges around their housing to overcome barriers that would otherwise have prolonged their stay in hospital before moving safely to a new home.
971 referrals into our Safeguarding Services were made for 2022/23. This included support for:
survivors of domestic abuse.
families with complex issues supported by our Family Intervention Team.
people supported to prevent them becoming homeless.
We will continue to work with partners to ensure a multi-agency approach across all our support services. We’re also working with Bolton Council and partners to build a Neglect Strategy that will further support people across Bolton.
Recognition for our mental health support service
We won the UK Housing Award for Best Supported Landlord for our Delayed Transfer of Care (DTOC) Service, which is a fantastic recognition for the support we provide to people with mental health issues.
The year ahead
To protect those residing in our communities, we'll keep collaborating closely with our residents and organisational partners. The Neglect Strategy and toolkit are now being implemented. In addition, we will be assessed for our accreditation in the Domestic Abuse Housing Alliance. We'll keep working with the local government and Adullam Homes to help people who are facing homelessness. A member of our team will also be present at the Great Lever Hub to provide support and advice.
How to get help
If you’re experiencing domestic abuse, or you’re worried about someone else, you can contact us in confidence by phoning 01204 328000 or 01204 327997 or email
You can also report safeguarding concerns to us on 01204 328008 or email
Details of national and local agencies that can also help are here:
Always phone 999 if you or your children are at immediate risk of harm.